# React Hooks

  • Hooks are just functions.
  • Hooks don't work in Class.
  • Optional
  • No breaking changes

Why Hooks ?

Reusing Logic (Leads to wrapper hell)

  • HOC
  • Render Props

Huge Components

  • Similar things in different places like subscribe/unsubscribe in componentDidMount/componentWillUnMount

Classes are confusing

  • Hooks allows us to use all react features without class
  • Bad for minifying, hot reload, etc

Mixins are bad

State Management Libraries

  • Makes component reuse difficult

# Rules of Hooks

  • Linter will implement the rules - eslint-plugin-react-hooks
  • React depends on order of the Hook calls in a component
  • Rules
    1. Don't call hooks inside - loop, conditions & nested functions.
    2. Call from - Function Component & Custom Hooks. Not from regular functions

# useState

  • In class this.setState({foo:3, bar:4}) - states are merged. But in hooks its replaced.
import React, { useState } from "react";

function Foo(props) {
  // intialValue can be object, string, number, array etc
  // returns a value & function to update value
  const [value, setValue] = useState(initialValue);
  const [state2, setState2] = useState(initialValue2); // can use multiple times

  //createExpensiveObject() is only called once, Not called on subsequent render
  const [value, setValue] = useState(() => createExpensiveObject(props.count));

  // set next value

  // set next value - using prev value
  setValue((prev) => {
    // calculate next value using prev
    // return next value
    // If object, we can also merge other values {...prevValues, nextValue}

  // if next === prev then no re-render takes place

# useEffect

  • Allows us to write imperative code which is not possible in react's component which is purely a functional code.
    • React component does not allow sideeffects like mutations, Async, timers, etc directly
  • Used for side-effects like Data fetching, subscription, DOM changes, etc
  • Called AFTER every render & defers running till BrowserDOM is painted.
    • Lifecycles combined together - componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate & componentWillUnMount
  • Most of the effects are Asynchronous. But for some synchronous effect like measure layout we have a useLayoutEffect
  • 2 Types
    • Needs cleanUp (to avoid memory leak) - eg: subscription
    • No cleanUp - eg: Logging, data fetching, DOM changes
  • useLayoutEffect()
    • Not deferred. That is, it runs before BrowserDOM is painted.
    • Use only if useEffect() cause a problem
function Foo(props) {
  // we can use multiple effects. They maintain the same order as written.

  useEffect(() => {
    // This inner function is different everytime render is performed.
    // Because in js each function is separate when created.
    // ()=>{} === ()=>{} // false
    // This Helps maintain the correct state on each render

    // clean up function
    // called after every render & unmount,
    // called before running next useEffect()
    // Eg: clear old eventhandlers we don't need multiple copies of event handlers
    // Eg: unsubscribe()
    return () => {

    // Dependencies
    // - Run effect if atleast one dependency change
    // - empty array - run effect Only once on mount. It mesns it's independent of any state, props.
    // - setFoo - such functions won’t change on re-renders. It’s safe to omit.
    // - "dispatch()" from useReducer - safe to omit.
  }, [foo, bar]);

# useContext

  • If context changes then react will re-render
import MyContext from "./path/MyContext";

function Foo(props) {
  // value passed depends on <MyContext.Provider value="..."> ancestor
  const myValue = useContext(MyContext);

# useReducer

  • An alternative to useState if state is complex & state updates are adhoc
  • It's similar to Redux
const initialState = {

// optional
// function initFunc(initialArgs) {
//   return {
//     /*.....*/
//   };
// }

function Foo(props) {
  const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState);

  // optional
  // const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialArgs, initFunc);

// reducer is a function
// (preState, action) => nextState
function reducer(prevState, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case "FOO":
      // calculate
      return { ...prevState, newFoo };
    case "BAR":
      // calculate
      return { ...prevState, newBar };

    // optional
    case "RESET":
      return initFunc(action.payload);

      throw new Error("Invalid action type");

# useCallback/useMemo

  • Used for Optimization - Cache & avoid heavy calculations on every render based on dependencies.
  • Use rarely and carefully
// useCallback(func, deps) === useMemo(() => func, deps )

// returns callback
const memoizedCallback = useCallback(() => {
  // This function is a memoization function
  // It will cache the value until dependencies changes
}, [input]);

// returns value
const memoizedValue = useMemo(() => /*somethingHeavy(a, b);*/, [a, b]);

# useRef

  • Used to store an object known as ref. Persist for lifetime of Component.
  • But it's obj.current can be mutated on render.
  • A change in obj.current won't trigger re-render
  • Can also be used to store previous state, props values. (save in useEffect()).
// create
//   - initialValue is .current
const inputEl = useRef(initialValue) // initialValue can be null or some value.

// add
<input ref={inputEl} type="text" />

// use

# Building your own hooks

  • Name starts with use like useValidation()
function Foo(props) {
  // call useMyCustomHook() with any arg value which can be state/prop too.

function useMyCustomHook(value) {
  // use react builtin hooks
  // can be state or effect or anything
  // value is optional
  // return any state values or anything else needed or just return nothing
Last Updated: 11/18/2021, 7:23:03 PM