# Awesome React Components

Original Src : brillout/awesome-react-components (opens new window)

Just react

# Awesome Components (from awesome-react)

📈 NpmTrends (opens new window)

# UI Components

# Editable data grid / spreadsheet

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# Table

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# Infinite Scroll

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# Overlay

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Display overlay / modal / alert / dialog / lightbox / popup

# Notification

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Toaster / snackbar — Notify the user with a modeless temporary little popup

# Tooltip

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Menus / sidebars

# Sticky (Avoid)

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Fixed headers / scroll-up headers / sticky elements

# Tabs

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# Loader

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Loaders / spinners / progress bars — Let the user know that something is loading

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# Buttons (Avoid)

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# Collapse

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# Chart

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Display data in charts / graphs / diagrams

# Tree (Avoid)

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Display a tree data structure

# UI Navigation

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Ways to navigate views

# Custom Scrollbar

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# Audio / Video

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# Map

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# Time / Date / Age

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Display time / date / age

# Photo / Image

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Display images / photos

# Icons

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Display icons / icon set / emojis

# Paginator

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Display a control element to paginate

# Markdown Viewer

Display parsed markdow source

# Canvas

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Sketch input using Canvas or SVG

# Miscellaneous

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# Form Components

See #form-logic below

Let the user enter data

# Date / Time picker

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Date picker / time picker / datetime picker / date range picker

# Emoji picker

# Input Types

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Masked inputs, specialized inputs; email / telephone number / credit card / etc.

# Autocomplete

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Autosuggest / autocomplete / typeahead

# Select

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# Color Picker

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# Toggle

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# Slider

# Radio Button

# Type Select

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Let the user select something (e.g. a tag) while typing

# Tag Input

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Let the user add multiple tags in a single input

# Autosize Input / Textarea

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# Star Rating

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# Drag and Drop

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# Sortable List

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Let the user define an order on a list

# Rich Text Editor

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# Markdown Editor

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# Image Editing

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Image manipulation

# Form Component Collections

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# Miscellaneous

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# Syntax Highlight

# UI Layout

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Components to layout the app's UI

# UI Animation

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Animate transitions

# Parallax

📈 NpmTrends (opens new window)

# UI Frameworks - Component Libraries

Npm Trends (opens new window)

📈 NpmTrends - Optional (opens new window)

  1. @material-ui/core ⭐⭐ (opens new window)
  2. react-bootstrap (opens new window) - Bootstrap components built with React
  3. 🚀 ant-design (opens new window) - A design system with values of Nature and Determinacy
  4. reactstrap (opens new window) - Simple React Bootstrap 4 components
  5. semantic-ui-react (opens new window) - The official Semantic-UI-React integration
  6. @blueprintjs/core (opens new window) - A React-based UI toolkit for the webs
  7. material-ui (opens new window) - React components for faster and easier web development
  8. office-ui-fabric-react (opens new window) - React components for building Microsoft web experiences.

# Material Design

# Mobile

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# Component Collections

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# UI Utilities

# Reporter

Report computed styles

# Visibility Reporter

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Report when a component becomes visible/hidden

# Measurement Reporter

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Determine and report measurements of an element

# Device Input

Turn user input into actions

# Keyboard Events

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# Scroll Events

# Touch Swipe

# Mouse Events

# Meta Tags

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Set meta tags, <title>, children of <head>

# Portal

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Render an element at an arbitrary DOM node

# Test User Behavior

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A/B tests, experiments, ...

# Code Design

Libraries that help with code design

# Data Store

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Data flow / data management / data stores / components state / data flow

  1. redux ⭐ (opens new window) - Predictable state container for JavaScript apps.
  2. react-redux (opens new window) - Official React bindings for Redux.
  3. reselect (opens new window) - Selector library for Redux.

# Data Managing

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# Form Logic

See #form-components above

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# Router

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# Props from server

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Component properties asynchronously fetched over the network

# Communication with server

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# CSS / Style

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# HTML Template

# Isomorphic Apps

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In web development, an isomorphic application is one whose code (in this case, JavaScript) can run both in the server and the client. React is an isomorphic JavaScript library built by Facebook.

# Boilerplate

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Scaffold / starter kit / Yeoman generator / stack ensemble / seed

# Miscellaneous

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# Utilities

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# i18n

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Internationalization / L10n / localization / translation

# Framework bindings / integrations

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# Integrations with Third Party Services

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# Performance

# UI

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# Inspect

# Lazy Load

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# App Size

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# Server-Side Rendering

  • Avoid ❌
    • iSSR (opens new window) - The easiest way to move your React application to Server-Side Rendering. Handles Side Effects and synchronizes State.
    • react-esi (opens new window) - A library to boost SSR performance by exposing React components as Edge Side Includes (ESI) fragments

# Dev Tools

# Test

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# Redux

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Refer Redux Ecosystem

# Inspect

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# Miscellaneous

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# Miscellaneous

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# Cloud Solutions

# Databases

Last Updated: 11/18/2021, 7:23:03 PM