# Awesome React
Orignal src - enaqx/awesome-react (opens new window)
Edited for me. Added NpmTrends. Prioritized/Avoided based on trends. Highlighted or Greyed based on preferences.
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# React
- React General Resources (opens new window)
- Interview Questions
# React Tools
# Development Tools
Plugins - Npm Trends (opens new window)
Component development - 📈 NpmTrends (opens new window)
- Browser extensions
- react-devtools (opens new window) - Inspection of React component hierarchy in the Chrome and Firefox Developer Tools
- Component development
- storybook ⭐ (opens new window) - UI component dev & test
- react-styleguidist (opens new window) - Isolated React component development environment with a living style guide
- react-cosmos (opens new window) - Dev tool for creating reusable React components
- Divjoy (opens new window) - React codebase and UI generator to speed up development (paid)
- Plasmic ⭐ (opens new window) - Powerful design tool for building your React components visually.
- Plugins
- eslint-plugin-react (opens new window) - React specific linting rules for ESLint
- eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y (opens new window) - Static AST checker for a11y rules on JSX elements
- react-hot-loader (opens new window) - (Deprecated - Use FastRefresh) Tweak React components in real time
- Others
- docz ⭐ (opens new window) - Zero Config, live-reloading documentation with Markdown + JSX
- Why Did You Render ⭐ (opens new window) - Monkey patches React to notify you about avoidable re-renders.
- Avoid ❌
- DataFormsJS JSX Loader (opens new window) - Small JavaScript Compiler for quickly converting JSX to JS directly on a web page
- reactotron (opens new window) - A desktop app for inspecting your React and React Native projects
- loadable-components (opens new window) - React code splitting made easy
- @axe-core/react (opens new window) - Accessibility auditing for React applications
- react-loadable (opens new window) - A higher order component for loading components with promises
# React Starter Kits and Toolchains
- Also try Vite ⭐ (opens new window)
- create-react-app ⭐ (opens new window) - Set up a modern Web app by running one command
- Razzle (opens new window) - Build production ready React applications. Razzle is toolchain for modern static and dynamic websites and web applications
- Neutrino React Preset (opens new window) -
is a Neutrino preset that supports building React web applications - react-starter-kit ❌ (opens new window) - Isomorphic Web app boilerplate
- create-react-library ❌ (opens new window) - CLI for creating reusable, modern React libraries using Rollup and create-react-app.
- tsdx (opens new window) - Zero-config CLI for TypeScript package development
# Frameworks
- next.js ⭐ (opens new window) - The React Framework
- gatsby.js ⭐ (opens new window) - Free and open source framework based on React
- react-admin (opens new window) - Frontend Framework for building B2B applications on top of REST/GraphQL APIs
- remix (opens new window) - (Paid) Finally, a killer React framework from the creators of React Router
- aleph.js (opens new window) - The React Framework in Deno
- Blitz (opens new window) - The Fullstack React Framework
# Styling / Routing / Component Libraries / React Awesome Components / Testing
Refer to awesome-react-components notes
# Libraries
- Alternative
- Preact ⭐ (opens new window) - Fast 3kb React alternative with the same ES6 API.
- riotjs (opens new window) - A React-like, 3.5KB user interface library
- Accessibility
- react-aria ⭐ (opens new window) - Adobe's library of React Hooks that provides accessible UI primitives for your design system
- Upload - 📈 NpmTrends (opens new window)
- uppy ⭐ (opens new window) - The next open source file uploader for web browsers
- react-uploady (opens new window) - Modern file-upload components & hooks for React.
- Elasticsearch - 📈 NpmTrends (opens new window)
- react-instantsearch (opens new window) - Lightning-fast search for React and React Native applications, by Algolia
- ReactiveSearch (opens new window) - UI components library for Elasticsearch
- Others
- Bit ⭐ (opens new window) - A virtual repository for managing and using react and other web components across applications
- react-esi (opens new window) - React Edge Side Includes
- Avoid
- react-extras (opens new window) - Useful components and utilities for working with React
- universal-model-react (opens new window) - Unified state management solution for React
- Deprecated / very old ❌
- react-snap (opens new window) - Zero-configuration framework-agnostic static prerendering for SPAs
- react-border-wrapper (opens new window) - A wrapper for placing elements along div borders in React.
- react-magic (opens new window) - Automatically AJAXify plain HTML with the power of React
- react-cursor (opens new window) - Functional state management abstraction for use with Facebook React
- Touchstonejs (opens new window) - React.js powered UI framework for developing beautiful hybrid mobile apps.
- Elemental (opens new window) - A UI Toolkit for React.js Websites and Apps
- StateTrooper (opens new window) - Centrally manage state for React applications with CSP
- Maple.js (opens new window) - Bringing the concept of web-components to React
- Keo (opens new window) - Plain functions for a more functional Deku approach to creating React components, with functional goodies such as pipe, memoize, etc...
- react-json-schema (opens new window) - Construct React elements from JSON by mapping JSON definitions to React components that you expose.
- compose-state (opens new window) - Compose multiple setState or getDerivedStateFromProps updaters in React
- react-lodash (opens new window) - Lodash as React components
- Stator (opens new window) - Simple, plain JavaScript state management with built-in support for React
- ClearX (opens new window) - Fast & Effortless State management for React with zero learning curve. ClearX gives great flexibility in separation of concerns for your React applications
- refract (opens new window) - Harness the power of reactive programming to supercharge your components
# Integration / State Management / Forms / Autocomplete
Refer to awesome-react-components notes
# AR and VR
- React 360 (opens new window) - Create exciting 360 and VR experiences using React
- Viro React (opens new window) - Platform for rapidly building AR/VR applications using React Native
# Renderers
- ink ⭐ (opens new window) - React for interactive command-line apps
- Avoid
- react-blessed (opens new window) - A React renderer for blessed terminal interface library
- React Sketch.app (opens new window) - Render React components to Sketch
- React Figma (opens new window) - A React renderer for Figma
- react-three-fiber (opens new window) - A React renderer for Three.js (web and react-native)
- react-nil (opens new window) - A react null renderer
- React PDF (opens new window) - Create PDF files using React
- React 360 (opens new window)
- React Hardware (opens new window) - A React renderer for Hardware
# Graphics
- react-hooks-svgdrawing (opens new window) - SVG Drawing with React hooks
- react-svg-pan-zoom (opens new window) - A React component that adds pan and zoom features to SVG.
- Deprecated / old
- react-art (opens new window) - React Bridge to the ART Drawing Library
- react-canvas (opens new window) - High performance
rendering for React components - react-famous (opens new window) - Complex 3D animations UI at 60 FPS with Famo.us
- react-kinetic (opens new window) - HTML5 Canvas via KineticJS using React
- react-svg-morph (opens new window) - morph your svg components one into another
# Data Managing / Maps / Charts
Refer to awesome-react-components notes
# React Native
- Refer original src