search.google.com (opens new window)

Search Engine optimization

src - Programming Hub Android app


  1. Human
  2. Google Bots

Search Engine Bots - Different rules for Google, Bing, duckduckgo, etc

Yahoo - 1994 Google - 1996 Both are founded by Stanford University students

Yahoo core - based on Directory list Google core algorithm - based on backlinks. More popular means more important.

In 2010 - Fake website started giving backlinks for high ranking. Google started penalizing such website

In 2015 - More mobile users than desktop

Microsoft + Yahoo = Bing Google = 70% web search

Black hat techniques

  • Farms (content, backlinks) don't work now.

White hat techniques

  • Keywords density
  • Backlinks from verified sources
  • Submit to recognised repository

# On-page factors

  • Visual aspects (fonts, style, etc)
  • Html tags (h1, title, )
  • Keywords
  • Meta tags (description, keywords
  • url (eg: /welcome-to-foobar/about)

# Off-page factors


  • In-links (from other pages)(link juice) - quality of other websites matters - Popular blogs > youtube comments - Labels (<a ...> click here)
  • Out-links (to other pages)


  • prchecker.info
  • Chrome extension - easiest way

# Analysis

Web crawlers - Google Bots We could create our own crawlers. Crawlers company

  • Moz
  • Semrush
  • Screaming frog

Image alt tags SiteLinks in Google search results to improve CTR (click through rate)

On deployment - Google webmaster, Analytics


  • New modern way to submit webpage to google search Engine
  • Use online tools to generate
  • https://www.google.com/sitemap.xml


  • Block google bots from crawling & indexing of some url links on this website
  • http://www.google.com/robots.txt

# Keywords research steps

  1. KYC (Know your customers)
  2. Customers meet/talk (fb, blog, survey)
  3. Draft list of keywords
    • Google suggestions on typing
    • Search related terms
    • Wikipedia
    • Use long tail keywords
  4. Google keywords planner
    • 2 metrics 1. Commercial intent (bidders pay money to rank high for keywords) 2. Search volume (monthly)
    • Url of competetor - can be used to know which keywords they are targeting
  5. Google Trends

Long tail keywords

  • People use more words in search query
  • 3-5 words normally
  • 70% of search queries
  • Less competition in keywords combination
  • Tools - Uber suggest - Keywordtool.io - Kwfinder

# SEO content

2 users - human & google  Bert machine learning - used by Google to understand human intentions.

Keywords in beginning is important (a guess by Experts) Use visual, infographics Indepth content - People like it (2000+ words)


  1. Transactional (buy sell)
  2. Navigational (location)
  3. Informational (how to)

Dwell time

  • search -> Click link -> back to search results Bounce rate
  • % of single page session in all sessions
  • High bounce rate is not necessary as bad
  • Page load time is a factor
  • Use Google analytics

# Localisation seo

Location - gps or ipaddress Name address phone - very important Hugely popular in mobile devices

  • Google mobile friendly test tools

Google My Business listings

  • Use maps to pin correct location