# Methodology

getbem.com/naming (opens new window)

  • Most popular as per surveys
    1. BEM
    2. Atomicity

# BEM - Block Element Modifier

  • It's just a naming convention.
  • Modular - Code can be reused - Not dependent on other blocks/elements.
  • Block - Standalone entity
    • header, container, menu, checkbox, input
  • Element - A part of a block
    • menu item, list item, checkbox caption, header title
  • Modifier - A flag on a block/element
    • disabled, highlighted, checked, fixed, size big, color yellow
// only classes - do not use #myid or <mytag>

// Block
// -- Naming - letters, digits, dashes (no underscores)
.myblock {

// Elements
// -- Naming - letters, digits, dashes, underscores (2 underscores)
.myblock__myelement {

// Modifiers
// -- Naming - letters, digits, dashes, underscores (2 dashes)
.myblock--mymodifier {
.myblock__myelement--mymodifier {
.myblock--my-modifier {
<!-- When using elements - Do not add the original classes of block -->
<div class="myblock myblock__myelement">Bad</div>
<div class="myblock__myelement">Good</div>
<div class="myblock">
  <span class="myblock__myelement">Good(nested)</span>

<!-- When using modifiers - Keep the original classes of block/elements -->
<div class="block--mymodifier">Bad(only modifier is used)</div>
<div class="myblock myblock--mymodifier">Block + modifier</div>
<div class="myblock__myelement myblock__myelement--mymodifier">
  Element + modifier

# Atomic/Utility/Functional

  • TailwindCss is most popular & recommended one