# PostCss


PostCss preset env has a number of plugins. But the most useful IMO are :

  • Stage 3
    • custom properties
    • font variant
    • gap properties
    • media query ranges
  • Stage 2
    • double position gradients (conic gradients)
    • :focus-within pseudo-class
    • alpha hex colors
    • :not pseudo-class
  • Stage 1
    • :blank empty-value pseudo-class
    • custom media queries
    • custom selectors
    • nesting rules
  • Stage 0
    • custom environment variables

postcss/postcss (opens new window)

  • Install
    • npm i -D postcss
    • npm i -D postcss-cli - only if not using webpack's postcss-loader
  • Both Sass & PostCss can be used together.
    1. Compile .scss using sass
    2. Pass the compiled output to postcss
  • Biggest advantage
// postcss.config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [require("postcss-preset-env")],

# Best Plugins

# FutureCss/Fallbacks

postcss-preset-env(includes autoprefixer)(use .browserslistrc) - 3m
  - autoprefixer - 10m
  - postcss-font-variant - 3.3m
  - postcss-custom-properties - 3.3m
  - postcss-custom-media - 3.3m
  - postcss-custom-selectors - 3.2m
  - postcss-initial ({ all: intial }) - 3m
  - postcss-nesting - 3.3m
css-next (deprecated)

# optimizations
cssnano - 6m
postcss-import - 2.5m
postcss-normalize - 1.8m

# Others
postcss-nested - 0.8m
postcss-modules - 0.7m
postcss-sorting - 0.6m
Precss - 95k
postcss-extend - 20m
postcss-assets - 16k

# syntax
postcss-safe-parser - 4.7m
postcss-scss - 2m
sugarss - 1.8m
postcss-sass - 1.8m
postcss-less - 1.7m
postcss-html - 1.6m
postcss-syntax - 1.5m

# Analysis/Debug
Stylelint - 2m
flexbugs-fixes - 4m
doiuse - 150k

# color
cologuard - 75k

# Plugins in Create-react-app

 "postcss-flexbugs-fixes": "4.2.1",
 "postcss-loader": "3.0.0", // webpack
 "postcss-normalize": "8.0.1",
 "postcss-preset-env": "6.7.0",
 "postcss-safe-parser": "5.0.2",

 // sass
 "resolve-url-loader": "^3.1.2",
 "sass-loader": "8.0.2",