# Visual Studio Code

code.visualstudio.com/docs (opens new window)

code /path/project

Keyboard Shortcuts(Windows)

# Why Vscode ?

code.visualstudio.com/learn (opens new window)

  1. Codespaces (Github's vscode in browser)
  2. Live collaboration (Liveshare ext)(with audio/chat)
  3. Coding Intellisense
  4. Debug
  5. Themes
  6. Compare code using diff
  7. Keyboard shortcuts
  8. Extensions
  9. Remote dev environments(remote-wsl/ssh/containers)
  10. Port forwarding

# Backup

  1. Inbuilt settings sync
  2. Settings sync extension

# Fonts & Icons

  • 'JetBrains Mono', 'Cascadia Code'
  • Need to Enable Ligatures
  • File icons : Can be changed to none, minimal, fullset (vscode, material)

# Themes

Stackoverflow - Dark or white theme (opens new window)

# Color effect on Eyes

  1. Blue (Worst for eyes)(High energy closer to Ultraviolet)
  2. Yellow is most tiring
  3. Red (Least energy closer to infrared)

# We have 3 options

  1. Dark background (Good syntax highlighting)
  2. Light background
  3. Computer Glasses/Glares

# Context switching

  1. Monitor
    1. Vscode coding
    2. Chrome browser
    3. Terminal
  2. Environment
    1. Day
    2. Night
    3. Artificial lighting
    4. Notebooks/Prints

# Tips

  1. Take break after 1 hour
  2. Brightness

# Custom themes

# Uninstall/Reset

  • Windows - Delete %APPDATA%\Code and %USERPROFILE%.vscode.
  • Linux - Delete $HOME/.config/Code and ~/.vscode.
Last Updated: 12/7/2020, 1:43:27 PM