# Extensions

VSCode Marketplace (opens new window)

Installed extensions

Vsocde installed extensions are also applied to workspace. Feature Request: Enable/disable extensions from config file (opens new window)

Enable/Disable extensions : This command in vscode will enable all installed extensions for everything or just workspace.

Workspace can only recommend. But can't enable/disable automatically.

SOLUTION : Enable/Disble extensions manually. Use workspace as just recommendations only.

Get Installed Extensions ids :

  1. code --list-extensions
  2. Right click extensions & copyid

Add in .vscode/extensions.json or .code-workspace

  "recommendations": ["VisualStudioExptTeam.vscodeintellicode"]

# All

This extensions are needed for almost every workspace.

// All
  "oderwat.indent-rainbow", // not needed


  • wscats.eno - Sass/Less/Stylus/Typescript/Javascript/Jade/Pug Compile Hero Pro - Compile without webpack/gulp
// Others


// Git
["mhutchie.git-graphs", "eamodio.gitlens", "donjayamanne.githistory"]


// Markdown


  • For css (choose any one)
    • html css support
    • IntelliSense for CSS class names in HTML
  • Avoid. (It's inbuilt now)
    • Highlight Matching Tag
    • Html snippets - (Archived)
    • Auto close tag
    • Lorem ipsum - (Use Emmet)
// html


  • Stylus (in vuepress)
  • Avoid
    • sass (Inbuilt)
    • live sass compiler - (Avoid. Use other extension in ## All)
    • color highlight - (Inbuilt)
// css
  "kamikillerto.vscode-colorize", // colors
  "joy-yu.css-snippets", // works with nested css too where emmet fails
  "ashhitch.vs-code-css-comments", // just type comment
  "stylelint.vscode-stylelint", // .stylelintrc.json - https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint-config-standard
  "csstools.postcss", // syntax highlighting for latest css

# JS

  • Avoid
    • Search node_modules - Focus on sidebar and type name.
    • Npm - Use tarminal.
    • npm-intellisense - It's inbuilt now
    • turbo console log
  • JsDoc/TsDoc (inbuilt) - Create docs & provides typechecking (If needed can use npm library to generate html)
  • Typescript - Avoid(its inbuilt) Auto Import, TypeScript Hero, TypeScript Importer, Move TS
// js
  // "xabikos.JavaScriptSnippets", // React snippets is better.




  • Docker - (For syntax highlighting , linting, intellisense etc)


  • php-intellisense [Too much files to parse. Can't exclude "/vendor" folder. issue (opens new window) ]
  • php debug - Needs xdebug
  • php docBlocker
    • laravel 5 snippets
    • Laravel-blade
    • Laravel-blade-snippets
Last Updated: 4/30/2021, 11:46:56 AM