# VuePress


Vitepress (opens new window) may be the better alternative in near future. It's better for build up & Hot module reloading. Vuepress has its issues with Webpack.

VuePress (opens new window) is a Single Page Application (SPA) composed of two parts:

  1. A minimalistic static site generator (opens new window) with a Vue theming system (opens new window) and Plugin API (opens new window)
  2. A default theme (opens new window)

It uses markdown-it to convert markdown to html.

# Install

yarn create vuepress-site [optionalDirectoryName]

# Folder structure

Only components & styles folder is installed by default. Rest we can create if needed.

├── docs/src
    ├── .vuepress
        ├── components          (preinstalled)
        ├── theme
        │   └── Layout.vue
        ├── public
        ├── styles              (preinstalled)
        │   ├── index.styl
        │   └── palette.styl
        ├── templates
        │   ├── dev.html
        │   └── ssr.html
        ├── config.js           (preinstalled)
        └── enhanceApp.js       (preinstalled)

# Configuration

Ref - vuepress.vuejs.org/config (opens new window)

  • Config file - .vuepress/config,js
  • #, ## & ### markdown tags are converted into h1, h2 & h3 respectively.
  • Store assets in same folder as markdown file which calls - ![An image](./i.png)
    • Better to store on cloud/free image hosting sites

# Markdown Extensions

  • README.md is converted to index.html
  • Url for docs/src/foo/README.md can belocalhost/foo/
  • Url for docs/src/foo/bar.md can belocalhost/foo/bar.html
  • Emoji :tada: - 🎉
  • Table Of Content - [[toc]]
  • Custom containers warning, danger, tip, details with title
::: warning Mytitle
This is a warning.
  • Syntax highlighting is achieved by Prism
  • Code snippets - Import code from files - <<< @/foo.css where @ is process.cwd() current working directory.
    • process.cwd is nothing but the directory where the process npm run dev starts.
    • docs/package.json is imported as <<< @/package.json from anywhere.

# Using Vue in Markdown

  • access Browser / DOM APIs in beforeMount() or mounted() hooks.
  • Conversion flow - Markdown -> html(by markdownit) -> Vue component -> Webpack -> Html
  • Can use this in markdown
{{ 2 + 2 }}
<span v-for="i in 3">{{ i }} </span>
{{ $page }}
  • Escape vue code using
::: v-pre
{{ $page }}


{{ $page }}
  • Component in .vuepress/components are registered automatically
    • .vuepress/components/Foo.vue -> <Foo/>
    • .vuepress/components/Foo/Bar.vue -> <Foo-Bar/>
  • Preprocessor in components
    • Sass - add yarn add -D sass-loader node-sass
    • Stylus - already added and used by Vuepress

# Frontmatter

  • Always at top with predefined (or custom) variables
  • Predefined variables - title, lang, description, layout, permalink, meta. metaTitle, canonicalUrl
  • Predefined variables (theme) - navbar, sidebar, prev, next, search, tags
title: hello
description: This is hello world

Title is {{ $frontmatter.title }}
  • A permanent link is good for blogs
title: Hello World
permalink: /hello-world

# Global Computed

  • $site, $page, $lang, $frontmatter, $localePath, $title, $description, $themeConfig
  • Can use this in theme files or in markdown
Last Updated: 11/18/2021, 7:23:03 PM