# IT Basics

Source: Programming Hub Android App

5 Generation of Computer

  1. Vacuum tubes 1946
  2. Transistors 1959
  3. Integrated circuits 1965 (keyboard, monitor)
  4. 4th & 5th - VLSI, ULSI. 1971

Types of Computer

  1. Personal computer
  2. Workstation (developers in company)
  3. Mini Computer (< 500users)
  4. Mainframe (company)
  5. Super Computer

I/O Devices

  • Input devices
    • Keyboard, mouse, touchscreen, mic
  • Output devices
    • Monitor, printing, speaker

# Processing

# Memory

  • Primary (Temporary)
    • RAM
    • Register
  • Secondarystorage (permanent after power off)
    • Harddisk (rewrite)
    • ROM - Read only memory (no rewrite) (OS, Bios, Factory format etc )

Program -> Compiler -> Binary code(machine language)

# Network

In 1960 LAN - Local Area Network MAN - Metropolitan Area Network WAN - Wide Area Network

Ethernet port - Uses unique MAC address (Media Access Control)


  • Bus
  • Star
  • Ring
  • Tree

Internet - Internetwork communication Message - Broken into Packets (equal size) Packets - Takes any routes available in network.  Routing - Gives direction to Packets Ip address - Protocol standards - TCP/IP Dns - Domain name system

# Information Security

Computer has no Ethics

Threats Types

  • Secrecy
  • Integrity
  • Availablity

Identification of users

  1. Authentication
    1. Username/Password
    2. Tokens
    3. Biometric
  2. Access control


  • Tricks by calling, email
  • Brute force
  • Common known bugs

# Content creation

Big data characteristics

  • Volume
  • Variety (forms & format of data)
  • Velocity (quick & real time data)
  • Veracity (uncertainty/quality of data)

Hadoop - Storage & Analysis of Big Data

Dark data - useless information Internet of things - see movie Her by spike Jonze

Last Updated: 11/18/2021, 7:23:03 PM