# Type Manipulation

# Generic

  • any vs <T>
    • eg: If we use any we don't know the return type of function.
  • We can't have generic enums and namespaces.
// Define Generic
function foo<T>(x: T): T {
  return x;
// Use
let x1 = foo<string>('hello');
let x1 = foo<number>(3);
let x2 = foo('hello'); // type is inferred

# Generic type

// Root Generic
function foo<T>(x: T): T {
  return x;

// Create Non-generic functions - Derived from Root Generic
// - new function with same implementation different types
interface fooInterface<T> {
  (x: T): T;
let fooNum: fooInterface<number> = foo;
let fooStr: fooInterface<string> = foo;

# Generic Classes

// just like interface
class foo<T> {
  factor: T;
  result: (x: T) => T;

Using above class

// Number
let double = new foo<number>();
double.factor = 2;
double.result = function(x) {
  return x * this.factor;

console.log(double.result(3)); // 6
// String
let fooStr = new foo<string>();
fooStr.factor = 'Hi';
fooStr.result = function(x) {
  return this.factor + ' ' + x;

console.log(fooStr.result('world')); // Hi world

# Generic constraint

  • use interface
interface fooInterface {
  length: number;

function foo<T extends fooInterface>(x: T): T {
  return x;

# keyof / extends keyof

  • keyof gives union of property names of object.
  • keyof extends is not same as extends for interface.
// keyof
type Point = {x: number; y: number};
type P = keyof Point; // union  x | y

let obj: Point = {x: 3, y: 5};
let key1: P = 'x';
let key2: P = 'y';
// let key3:P = 'z'; // error
// extends keyof
function getValue<T, K extends keyof T>(obj: T, key: K): T[K] {
  return obj[key];

let user = {
  name: 'umesh',

let nameValue = getValue(user, 'name'); // umesh

# Indexed access types

type foo = {x: number; y: string};

type fooX = foo['x']; // number
type fooY = foo['y']; // string
type fooXY = foo['x' | 'y']; // number | string
type fooKey = foo[keyof foo]; // same as fooXY ie number | string

# Conditional types

  • Mostly Used with Generics
// Ex
interface Y {}
interface X extends Y {}

type s = X extends Y ? string : number; // string
type n = RegExp extends Y ? string : number; // number
// Ex
type c<T> = T extends {length: number} ? T : never;

let obj = {
  length: 3,
let arr = [3, 4, 5];
let str = 'hello';
let empty = {};

type c1 = c<typeof obj>; // { length: number }
type c2 = c<typeof arr>; // number[]
type c3 = c<typeof str>; // string
type c4 = c<typeof empty>; // never

# Mapped types

type X = {
  [prop: string]: string | boolean;

let x1: X = {
  name: 'umesh', // works
let x2: X = {
  age: 2, // error,
// in keyof
// modifier readonly is optional
type X<T> = {
  -readonly [prop in keyof T]: boolean;
type Y = {
  a: string;
  readonly b: number;

type XY = X<Y>; // type xy = {a: boolean;b: boolean;}

# Template Literals

type x = "world";
type y = `Hello ${x}`; // `Hello world`

type x = number | string;
type y = `Hello ${x}`; // `Hello ${string}` | `Hello ${number}`
const foo1:y = "Hello"; // error
const foo2:y = "Hello "; // no error

type x = number | string;
type y = "a" | "b";
type z = `${y}_${x}`; // `a_${string}` | `a_${number}` | `b_${string}` | `b_${number}`

# Intrinsic String Manipulation

type x = 'Hello wORLD';
type up = Uppercase<x>; // "HELLO WORLD"
type low = Lowercase<x>; // "hello world"
type cap = Capitalize<x>; // "Hello wORLD"
type uncap = Uncapitalize<x>; // "hello wORLD"
Last Updated: 12/24/2021, 4:24:06 PM