# Cypress


  • All 3 can be used - Unit, Integration & End-to-end

# Key differences

  • It runs in browser using a node.js process
    • Can switch browsers too
  • Can modify network too
  • Native access to window & DOM objects
  • take shortcuts and programmatically do a repeatative tasks like login.
    • Use cy.request to send http request directly.
  • Flake resistant - means cypress will wait for a element, network request, etc before moving to next steps.
  • Debug - timetravel, screenshots, videos, inbuild errors, browser devtools.

# Getting started

yarn add cypress
yarn run cypress open # open testrunner
  • Cypress is built on :
describe("My First Test", () => {
  it("Test a!", () => {

  it("Test b!", () => {
  • 3 phases of a test
    1. Create required state environment
    2. Do something
    3. Assert/Expect the change in state environment
  • Default timeout
    • 4s - To find a DOM element
    • 60s - New page load transition event
  • Debug
    • cy.pause()
    • cy.debug()

Configure Cypress

    "baseUrl": "http://localhost:8080

Testing your app

  • If we need server data
    • Run terminal commands - cy.exec('npm run db:reset && npm run db:seed') & use cy.request()
    • use Stubs instead of server


  • Anti pattern - Never use UI to build state environment
    • instead use cy.request() which will manage cookies too

# Core concepts

# Introduction to cypress

# # Elements

Cypress use jquery for DOM traversal

// Synchronus (returns el)
$(".foo"); // jquery
Cypress.$(".foo"); // jquery

//  Asynchronus (returns promise)
cy.get(".foo"); // modified jquery with automatic retry & timeout support
cy.get(".foo").then((el) => {
  // use element

// Contains
cy.contains("some text");
cy.get(".main").contains("some text within main");

# # Commands Chain

  • Commands are promises & uses promise chain
    • But no catch()
    • Must always return or chain
    • No parallel commands. Run only 1 at a time
  • Commands have retry-ability & so can't use asyn/await
  • Each command has a default timeout of 4s
cy.get(".foo").click(); // action command
cy.get(".foo").should("be.disabled"); // assertion command

// alias

# # Assertions

  • Cypress bundles Chai, Chai-jQuery, and Sinon-Chai
  • Check for desired state in - elements, objects, application.
  • 2 ways
    1. Implicit - should() & its alias and()
    2. Explicit - expect()

// assertions are not compulsory since many commands have inbuilt assertions
  .click(); // wrong
cy.get(".bar").click(); // correct

# # Timeouts

  • Total timeout depends on starting command
  • Does not work with assertions
  • Default 4s
    • except - visit(), exec(), wait()
// Both will have a total default timeout of 4s
  .and("contain", "foooooo text");

// add timeout
cy.get(".foo", { timeout: 10 }), should("be.visible"); // correct
cy.get(".foo"), should("be.visible", { timeout: 10 }); // wrong

# Writing & Organizing tests

# # Cypress default folder structure

  • test files - .test.js files
  • fixtures files - static data
  • asset files - download, screenshots, videos
  • plugin files - runs in node background before browser launch
  • support files - cypress/support/index.js runs before every test file

# # Mocha

  • describe(name, config, fn) and it's alias context()
  • it(name, config, fn) and it's alias specify()
    • it.only() & it.skip()

# # Mocha Hooks

// before / after
before(() => {
  // root-level hook
  // runs once before/after all tests

// beforeEach / afterEach
beforeEach(() => {
  // runs before every test block

# # Assertion styles

  1. BDD - should(), expect()
  2. TDD - assert()

# Retry-ability

  • Cypress only retries commands that query the DOM: .get(), .find(), .contains()
  • Not every command is retried. eg click()
  • Disable retry ? - pass {timeout: 0}
  • Assertion is never retried. It's always previous command before assertion gets retried.
    • This will happen till assertion passes OR
    • Timeout
// Only the previous command is retried

cy.get(".new-todo").type("todo A{enter}"); // say it's delayed by 100ms
cy.get(".new-todo").type("todo B{enter}"); // say it's delayed by 100ms
// A gets added but B is still delayed
cy.get(".todo-list li") // keeps retrying till it founds 1 <li> ie A
  .find("label") // retried, retried, retried with 1 <li> since it's A not B
  .should("contain", "todo B"); // never succeeds with only 1st <li>

# Variables & Alias

# # Variables

  • No return value from any Cypress commands.
let fooEl = cy.get(".foo"); // wrong
cy.get(".foo").then((fooEl) => {
  // closures is correct way

# # Alias

  • create with .as('foo')
  • Use as this.foo - It uses Mocha's shared context
  • Alias as early as possible in chaining.
describe("Foo", () => {
  beforeEach(() => {

  // can be used accross all it() hooks in current describe()
  // callback must a function not arrow func () => {}
  it("test A", function() {
    expect(this.foo).to.eq("some text");

    // we can use 'cy.get()' to avoid 'this.' by using cy.get('@foo')
    // this.foo = sync
    // @foo = async
    cy.get("@foo").should("be.equal", "some text");

# Conditional testing

  • Avoid using it. Use alternatives.
  • If we are sure that state won't change then only we can use Conditional testing
  • Unstable state will result in flaky testing
  • Conditional testing based on
    • server side rendering - allowed (but no async js)
    • client side rendering - allowed only if rendering is sync
// Alternatives
cy.getCookie("wizardFlag").then(() => {
// request server for more info
// use attributes like data-wizard='true'

# Guides

# Debug

  • Use inline source maps in project for better debugging
// debugger
cy.get(".foo").then((el) => {
  // do something
  debugger; // use debugger
debugger; // can't use since it sync & cypress commands are async

// debug()
cy.get(".foo").debug(); // check console

// pause()
cy.pause(); // check console

# Network request

  • 2 ways to make a request. (We mostly use both in testing)
    1. Request actual server (slow)
    2. Request to cypress stubs
      • We can control everything about response like body, status, headers, etc
      • Good for JSON api
  • cy.intercept() - control request & stub response

# # Fixtures

  • A json file with dummy data
cy.intercept("GET", "/foo/bar/*", { fixtures: "foo/bar.json" });

// even images
cy.fixture("images/dogs.png"); // base64 of /cypress/fixtures/images/dogs.png

# # Waiting

// Define Aliased routes
cy.intercept("/foo/*", { fixture: "foo" }).as("getFoo");
cy.intercept("/bar/*", { fixture: "bar" }).as("getBar");

cy.visit("http://localhost:8888/dashboard"); // make both requests

cy.wait(["@getFoo", "@getBar"]); // wait until it sees a response for each request

cy.get("h1").should("contain", "Dashboard"); // waiting for .wait() to finish

# Cypress

  • Framework agnostic - works on any Framework
  • Both options - Head/Headless
  • Test-runner : Mocha
  • Uses Mocha & Chai as underneath libraries
  • Features
    • Time travel
    • Debug
    • Automatic waiting
    • Fast & Consistent Results - Does not use Selenium or webdriver
    • Screenshots / videos
    • cross browser
  • Random classname can be repaced with data attributes
    • <div class="sc-jJMGnK ffJCrV" data-test="foobar"> - like class for multiple elements
    • <div class="sc-jJMGnK ffJCrV" data-testid="foobar"> - like id for single element
  • Test files in integration folder run order is alphabetical. We can use prefix 01_login.test.js
# Open desktop cypress browser app
yarn cypress open

# Run headless
yarn cypress run
# record in dashboard
yarn cypress run --record
  • Assertions
    1. Implicit - should() , and()
    2. Explicit - expect(), assert()

# Page Object Model

  • A design principle for ease of maintenance
  • Keeps objects & nethods/actions separate from test scripts
  • eg : cy.get("#username").type("admin")
    • here username is object and typing admin is method/action
  • Create pages folder for each page.
    • Ex: class LoginPage{....}

# Is needed ?

// .eslintrc.json
  "extends": ["plugin:cypress/recommended", "react-app"]
// cypress.env.json
// access in test.js -  cy.visit(Cypress.env('baseUrl));
  "baseUrl": "http://localhost.3000

// commands.js
Cypress.Commands.add("getByTestId", (id) => {

// Usage
// cy.getByTestId("login").click();

// another command ex
// cy.login('abc", "1234")
// Notification stub
cy.visit(Cypress.env('baseUrl), {
    cy.stub(win, "Notification").as("Notification");

// usage

  • Tasks
    • cy.task("clear:db") - Run test js outside of browser. Ex: To clear any DB entries after each test. It s added as plugin
    • cy.task("seed:db")
    • Usage - can be called in beforeEach hook
Last Updated: 9/25/2021, 10:01:12 AM