# Asynchronous Javascript

  • Thread = A single process to do all tasks. But one task at one time.
  • Javascript is synchronous, blocking, single threaded called main thread
    • eg: Use alert() to block code.
  • Webworkers are used to create a worker thread
    • But it has no access to DOM
  • Promises use worker thread and after processing returns result to main thread.
  • Callbacks functions are a bit old now. But still used. eg: addEventListener(event, callback)
    • Some callback are synchronous. Ex. Array.prototype.forEach(arr, callback)
  • Event Queue - Async tasks are added to the event queue which runs after main thread has finished with tasks ie empty stack.

# Timeout & Intervals

# setTimeout/setInterval

setTimeout(callback, milliseconds, parameters); // 1000 = 1s
setTimeout(callback, 0); // Runs after main thread is empty. (not immediately)

setInterval(callback, milliseconds, parameters);

// Recursive callback in setTimeout() === setInterval()
// Difference = Time to run inside code is counted for setInterval() but not for setTimeout()
// setTimeout() executes after 200ms only irrespective of time taken to run code
function foo() {
  // code
  setTimeout(foo, 200);
setInterval(foo, 200);

# requestAnimationFrame

  • Better than setTimeout/setInterval
  • Use to call a function repeatedly & efficiently especially for animations
  • Frame Per Second (FPS) - higher is better
  • Most screens has Refresh rate of 60Hz which can give atmost 60FPS
  • MDN Example (opens new window)
  • Cons
    • Can't choose custom frame rate.

# Promises

Promises is the new way for Asynchronous code

  • Promise - An object with info on success/failure.
  • Promises vs Callbacks
    • No Callback Hell - Promises return an object to which we can attach a callback using then() (But nested promises MAY lead to HELL too)
    • No try/catch repeation - Just 1 catch() for any error
      • try...catch - not allowed in async code.
      • then()/catch()/finally() is the async equivalent to try/catch/finally in sync
      • throw new Error("An error occurred") - allowed.
  • resolve(data)/reject(data) - takes 0 or 1 arg
  • state: property
    • possible state = pending/fulfilled/rejected
    • pending - working
    • Resolved - work done promise object is returned;
      • fulfilled - From resolve(data) - use then(data)
      • rejected - From reject(data) - use catch(data)
  • result: property
    • undefined - if state is pending
    • data passed by resolve(data) / reject(data)
  • Static methods
    • Promise.resolve().then()
    • Promise.reject().then()

# Promise Constructor

let parameterA = "parameterAValue";

let pro = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  setTimeout(() => resolve(), 500);
  // setTimeout(()=> reject(), 500 );
}, parameterA);

  .then(() => {
  .catch(() => {
  // no args but passes value/error
  .finally(() => {

# Multiple chaining

  • We can chain multiple then().
  • Ex. Fetch api returns a promise object.
    • Fetch promises do not fail on 404 or 500 errors (Better to use Axios)
// Ex
let promise = fetch("coffee.jpg");

// Ex
  .then((response) => {
    return response.json();
  .then((json) => {
  .catch((err) => {
    console.log("catch() - " + err.message);
  .finally(() => {

# Promise.all

  • All below are static methods.
  • Promise.all - All must fulfill else block is rejected
  • Promise.allSettled - returns state/result property irrespective of success/failure of any promise.
  • Promise.resolve/reject - not needed due to async/await
let p1 = fetch("url1");
let p2 = fetch("url2");
let p3 = fetch("url3");

Promise.all([p1, p2, p3]).then([p1result, p2result, p3result]);
  • All promises are started at same time ie parallel.
console.log(new Date().getSeconds()); // 20s

let p1 = new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(1), 4000));
let p1 = new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(2), 2000));

Promise.all([p1, p2]).then((a) => {
  console.log(a); // [1, 2]
  console.log(new Date().getSeconds()); // 24s

# Async/Await

  • syntactic sugar to use Promises
  • async function will always return a promise object.
  • await only works inside async() function
  • await is always written before a promise object.
  • try, catch, finally can be used in async function

# async/await

  • It does not use then() method
// Ex 1:
async function foo() {
  return "hello";
console.log(foo()); // Promise {<fulfilled>: "hello"}

// Ex 2:
async function hello() {
  let msg = await fetch("url"); // line is paused by javascript till it is resolved & returns a promise object.

# async/await - then()

  • It uses both await & then() method by returning a promise object.
async function hello() {
  let response = await fetch("url");
  if (response.ok) {
    return response;
  } else {
    throw new Error("Error in fetch");


  .then((value) => {
  .catch((err) => {

# async/await - Promise.all()

// fetch one url
async function myFetchOne(url) {
  let response = await fetch(url);
  if (response.ok) {
    return response;
  } else {
    throw new Error("A new Error in Promise.all()");

// fetch all urls
async function myFetchAll() {
  let aPro = await myFetchOne("url");
  let bPro = await myFetchOne("url");
  let cPro = await myFetchOne("url");

  let response = await Promise.all([aPro, bPro, cPro]);

  console.log("All Fetch are successful");

myFetchAll().catch((err) => console.log(err));

# Downside (with solution)

  • In above example we have 3 myFetchOne("url")
  • The bPro & cPro will not start unless 1st aPro is completed/resolved.
  • To solve this issue just assign the myFetchOne("url") to variables.
  • This will start all 3 promises simultaneously. They might take any time to finish, but they are not blocked by each other.
  • In short - Wait for results but start all promises at the same time.
async function myFetchAll() {
  let aPro = myFetchOne("url");
  let bPro = myFetchOne("url");
  let cPro = myFetchOne("url");

  await aPro;
  await bPro;
  await cPro;

  // code.....

# Fetch Api

let promise = fetch(url, options);
let promise = fetch(url); // GET only

// ex
let res = fetch(url);
res.status; // if not ok ie error

// get data
res.blob(); // Binary data with type
res.arrayBuffer(); // low level representation of Binary data

# Headers

let options = {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json;charset=utf-8",
  body: "", // Text/Json/FormData/Blob
let res = fetch(url, options);

# Upload/Download progress

  • Only download progress can be known. (Upload progress is not available)
  • response.body - a ReadableStream object
    • Data is received in samll chunks

# Abort

let controller = new AbortController();

fetch(url, {
  signal: controller.signal,
  .catch((err) => {
    if (err.name === "AbortError") alert("Request cancelled.");

controller.abort(); // cancel fetch request.


Cross Origin Resource Sharing

  • Origin - Combination of domain + port + protocol
  • Fetch from myDomain.com can send request to otherDomain.com
    • myDomain.com - Browser
    • otherDomain.com - Server

Cross Request types :

  1. Safe
  2. All others are Unsafe
  • Browser always adds this header to request Origin: 'http://myDomain.com' (without path)

# Safe Request

  • Methods allowed - GET / POST / HEAD
  • Headers allowed
    • Accept
    • Accept-Language
    • Content-Language
    • Content-Type - Only this are allowed application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data or text/plain
  • How to use ?
    • Use <form> with <iframe> as target (Avoid)
    • Use <script src="otherDomain.com/home?foo=bar&doo=zoo">

# Unsafe Request

  • Needs confirmation by otherDomain.com server
  • Confirmation is done using headers.
    • Access-Control-Allow-Origin: - value as myDomain.com or *
  • For 1 request browser sends 2 request
    • preflight - To check if server accepts request from myDomain.com
    • actual request

# Credentials

Credentials - Cookie or Authentication

  • Server should respond with header Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
// Browser cookies from "otherDomain.com" are attached in fetch request by "myDomain.com"
fetch("https://otherDomain.com", {
  credentials: "include",

# WebSocket

Use socketio/socket.io (opens new window)

  • http/1.1 - Synchronous

  • http/2 - ASynchronous but needs request to initiate.

  • websocket - Fully ASynchronous & Persistent connection - Client/server can connect to each other anytime

  • Good for real time communication games, chats, etc

  • Protocol - ws://mydomain.com &wss://mydomain.com (secured)

  • 4 Events - open, close, error, message

let ws = new WebSocket("wss://mydomain.com");

// Events

// send data

# Cookies

  • document.cookie = "user=John; path=/; expires=Tue, 19 Jan 2038 03:14:07 GMT"
  • Headers
    • Set-Cookie - Created by server
    • Cookie - Created by browser
  • key-value pairs Limit - approx 20 per domain
document.cookie; // a=foo;b=bar;
document.cookie = "a=foo; b=bar;"; // Create - new one is created. Old one is not replaced.

// Encoding
let e = encodeURIComponent(text);

// Options
("foo=bar;"); // key-value
("path=/;"); // url path (if path=/admin then cookie is valid only on /admin/* path & no other paths)
("domain=mydomain.com"); // allows all subdomains too
("expires=Tue, 19 Jan 2038 03:14:07 GMT"); // session cookies - use any one expires or max-age
("max-age=3600;"); // 3600 seconds = 1hr
("secure;"); // https
("samesite=strict;"); // xsrf protection
("httpOnly;"); // set by server to not allow javascript any access to cookie


Last Updated: 1/31/2021, 12:42:23 PM