# Keyboard shortcuts

Source :

  • https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/keyboard-shortcuts-in-windows-dcc61a57-8ff0-cffe-9796-cb9706c75eec
  • https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_keyboardshortcuts.asp

# Copy, paste and other general keyboard shortcuts

Press this key To do this
Esc Escape
Ctrl + X/C/V/Z/Y Cut/Copy/Paste/Undo/Redo
Ctrl + N/O/P/S New/Open/Print/Save
Ctrl + B/I/U Bold/Italics/Underline
Ctrl + F/H Find/Replace
Ctrl + Backspace/Delete Delete word on Left/Right
Alt + Tab or Ctrl + Alt + Tab Switch apps.
Alt + F4 Close active app.
Windows + L Lock your PC.
Windows + D Show/hide desktop.
F2 Rename
F3 Find
F4 Address bar
F5 or Ctrl + F5 Refresh
F6 Cycle through parts of app
F10 or Alt Menu bar
Alt + Enter Display properties
Alt + Left/Right arrow Go back/forward
Alt + Page Up/Down Scroll up/down
Alt/Ctrl + F4 Close app
Ctrl + A Select all
Ctrl + Left/Right arrow Move cursor through words
Ctrl + UP/Down arrow Move cursor through paragraph.
Ctrl + arrow keys Resize Start menu
Shift or Ctrl + Shift Select
PrtScn Screenshot

# Windows keyboard shortcuts

Press this key To do this
Windows Start menu
Windows + Tab Task view
Windows + V Clipboard
Windows + A Action center
Windows + X Quick Link menu
Windows + I Settings
Windows + B Focus Notification area
Windows + D Show/hide desktop
Windows + E Open File Explorer
Windows + K Open the Connect quick action.
Windows + L Lock your PC
Windows + T Taskbar
Windows + H Start dictation (mic)
Windows + period (.) Emoji
Windows + Ctrl + F Search for PCs (on network).
Windows + [0-9] Pinned app - Start/switch
Windows + Shift + [0-9] Pinned app - Start new
Windows + Shift + M Minimize (Restore)
Windows + M Minimize all
Windows + Home Minimize all (except active window)
Windows + Up/Down arrow Max/min window.
Windows + Left/Right arrow Max left/right side
Windows + Spacebar Switch input language and keyboard layout.
Windows + Plus (+) Magnifier

# Chrome Browser

# Dev Tools

Keys What to do
F12 Devtools
ctrl + shift + P command Pallete
ctrl + shift + J console panel
ctrl + F Find elements/text in HTML code (when focused)
Esc show/hide console
up/down OR shift + up/down increament/decreament by 1 OR 10

# Basics

Keys What to do
home/end Top/bpttom of page
pgup/pgdown scroll page
Alt + left or Backspace Go back
F5 or ctrl + F5 Refresh page
F11 Fullscreen
Alt + Home Home page
ctrl + T/N New tab/window
ctrl + W close tab
ctrl + [1-9] Open tab number
ctrl + L Location address
ctrl + enter add .com at end
ctrl + B/H/j Bookmark/History/Download

# Windows Terminal

Keys Todo
ctrl + L clear screen
ctrl + shift + P Command Pallete
rightClick copy/paste
ctrl + f find
ctrl + tab change tab
ctrl + T New Tab
ctrl + W close pane/tab
ctrl + pageup/pagedown Switch Tab
ctrl + = & ctrl + \ Split pane horizontal & vertical
alt + up/down/right/left Switch pane
alt + shift + up/down/right/left Resize pane
ctrl + (+/-) Font size change
ctrl + numpad_0 reset font size

# Zsh

Keys Todo
tab autocomplete
esc+esc add sudo at start
ctrl + backspace / delete delete one word backwards / forward
ctrl + delete delete one word forward
ctrl + u/k delete all from cursor to start/end
ctrl + y undo delete

# Youtube

Keys What to do
? Show keyboard shortcuts
/ search
F/T Fullscreen/Theater
spacebar Play/Pause
up/down Volume
left/right Fastforward/backward by 10s
1-9 skips to x% of video
0 Replay
shift + </> Playback speed
C captions
*/- cc font size
M Mute
Home/End Start/End of video
Last Updated: 12/18/2020, 9:57:15 PM