# Algorithms

TIME & SPACE are key factors any actions

# Top 10 Algorithms

src - Youtube (opens new window)

  1. Depth first search
  2. Breadth first search
  3. Match Brackets/Parentheses
  4. Hashtables
  5. Variables/pointers manipulations
    • Ex - find longest palindrome substring in a string
    • Quicksort & Mergesort are faster than Bubblesort
  6. Reverse Linked list
  7. Sorting algorithms
  8. Recursion (Rarely used in production because its a stack which has limits of iterations. Not sure.)
  9. Custom Datastructures (Classes, OOPs)
  10. Binary Search


  • Sorts elements list like an array.
  • Compares 2 adjacent elements
  Take [3,1,5,2]

  Iteration 1 :
    step 1 -> [1,3,5,2]         // swap
         2 -> [1,3,5,2]         // no
         3 -> [1,3,2,5]         // swap
  Iteration 2 :
    step 1 -> [1,3,2,5]         // no
         2 -> [1,2,3,5]         // swap
         3 -> [1,2,3,5]         // no
  Iteration 3 :
    step 1 -> [1,2,3,5]         // no
         2 -> [1,2,3,5]         // no
         3 -> [1,2,3,5]         // no (SO STOP ITERATION)
Advantages Disadvantage
Simple Not optimal due to multiple iterations
No additional space required worst-case for n number of elements requires swappings (n-1) + (n-2) + (n-3) + .... + 3 + 2 + 1 = n(n-1)/2


  • Finds smallest element and place it at start.
  • Repeat for rest of elements.
Take [3,1,5,2]

Step 1 -> [1,3,5,2]
     2 -> [1,2,5,3]
     3 -> [1,2,3,5]
Advantages Disadvantage
Very good for smaller list Bad for big lists
No additional space required -


  • Similar to sorting playing cards
Take [3,1,5,2]
Step 1 -> [1,3,5,2]       // 2 elements [1,3] are sorted
     2 -> [1,3,5,2]       // element [5] is placed correctly
     3 -> [1,2,3,5]       // element [2] is placed correctly
Advantages Disadvantage
Good for small lists Bad for large lists
No extra space -


  • Divide and conquer
  • Divide array into half until each item is single element
Take [31,4,88,1,4,2,42]

Step 1 -> [31,4,88,1] [4,2,42]
     2 -> [31,4] [88,1] [4,2] [42]
     3 -> [31] [4] [88] [1] [4] [2] [42]      // All array has 1 element
     4 -> [4,31] [1,88] [2,4] [42]
     5 -> [1,4,31,88] [2,4,42]
     6 -> [1,2,4,4,31,42,88]                  // Sorted array
Advantages Disadvantage
Good for sorting Linked lists with no extra space Array needs temporary extra space


  • Select any element as pivot element
  • Sort rest of elements as [] <= (pivot) >= []
  • Repeat for remaining arrays.
Take [2,0,7,4,3]

Step 1 -> [2,0] (3) [7,4]                 // (3) is pivot
     2 -> [ (0) [2] ] (3) [ (4) [7] ]     // (0) & (4) as pivot. Sorted.
Advantages Disadvantage
Faster Slow if bad pivot is choosen
No extra space
  • 3-way Quicksort is another way in which 3 arrays are created (lesser, equal, greater) instead of 2 arrays


  • Do google search
  • Every item is searched and the index is returned if matched.
  • -1 is returned if not matched
  • Starts from left of the list Disadvantages
  • Rarely used.
  • Binary search(see below) is better
  • Sorted list is required
  • Divide and conquer. Into 2 parts.
  • Matches elements with middle element of list
  • Index is returned if matched
  • If middle item is greater than search item then use left side array else use right side array.
  • Repeat on each sub-arrays till sub-array size is 0.
Last Updated: 4/7/2021, 10:29:29 AM