# Grokking Algorithms

Src - Book "Grokking Algorithms"

Pseudo-code is just a mixture of code & speech together

# Introduction to algorithms

Divide into half.

  • Input - sorted list
  • Output - index of item or null
  • Ex:- For n inputs (say 100 inputs)
    • Simple search takes O(n) (100 steps - worst case) [1,2,3,4,5....]
    • Binary search takes O(log n) [log to base 2] (7 steps - worst case) [50,75,63 .... ]
  • Ex: - For 8 inputs
    • Simple search - 8 steps
    • Binary search - log(8) ie 3 steps

# Big O - Running Time


  • Best case — represented as Big Omega or Ω(n)(n)
  • Average case — represented as Big Theta or Θ(n)(n)
  • Worst case — represented as Big O Notation or O(n)O(n)
  • Execution Time is not important.
  • Number of Operation(O is Operations) & How it grows matters.
    • Ex: 100 inputs - Binary is 15 times faster than simple search
    • Ex: 1 Billion inputs - Binary is 33 million times faster than simple search
  • Big O always gives time needed for the worst-case scenario
// O(1) - Hash tables [Constant time] (fastest)
// O(log(n)) - Binary [Logarithmic Time]
// O(n) - Simple [Linear Time]
// O(n log(n)) - Quicksort/mergesort
// O(n^2) - Selection sort
// O(n!) - Travelling salesperson (slowest)

# Big O complexity

In interview - Find the Big O complexity of an algorithm ?

  • Drop the leading constants
  • Ignore the lower order terms

Example: 3n^3 + 4n + 2 simplifies to O(n^3).

# Selection sort

# How memory works

  • Linked list store items randomly memory blocks
    • Better for insert/delete operations
    • Better in Sequential access we have to go from start to desired item since we don't know it's memory address.
  • Arrays store items in memory blocks contigously ie side-by-side
    • Better for Random access of items because we know the memory address.

# Selection sort - O(n^2)

Ex: Sorting a list of most played music artist

# Recursion

  • Loops are faster but Recursion is cleaner
  • 2 Parts of Recursive function
    • Base case - function don't call itself (prevents infinite loop.)
    • Recursion case - function call itself

# Stack

  • Call stack - Recursion use stack for each function calls
  • Cons - takes too much memory for big stacks. Use loop in such cases.

# Quicksort - O(n log(n))

average case - O(n log(n))

worst case - O(n^2)

# Divide and conquer

  • A Recursive technique
  • Used by Quicksort

First, figure out the base case

Now you need to figure out the recursive case. Reduced the problem from a 1680 × 640 farm to a 640 × 400 farm

Let’s apply the same algorithm again.

Till you get Base case

# Quicksort

  • Base case for array - 0 or 1 element
  • Divide array using Recursion till base case is achieved.

# Mergesort

Always - O(n log(n))

  • Both Quicksort & Mergesort have same O(n log(n))
  • Quicksort is still faster because the constant (which is ignored in Big O) is lower than Mergesort constant.

# Hash Tables - O(1)

  • It has Key-value pairs
  • Hash tables = hash function + array
  • Every language has hash tables with different names - hashmaps, maps, dictionaries, associative arrays
  • Always O(1) for any number of data. Worst case is O(n) (due to Collisions)
  • EX - Phone numbers, cache, dns resolution, etc
  • Hash function EX - SHA, etc

# Hash function

  • Converts string to Number. (String means any data ie stream of bytes)
  • Must be consistent ie same number for same string.
  • Must be different for different strings.

# Collisions

  • Same value for different keys
  • Load factor = items in array / total slots in array
  • Resizing - Increase slots in array to avoid Collisions.

# Breadth First Search (BFS)

  • A graph is set of nodes and edges connecting them.
  • BFS is a graph algorithm
  • Its used to calculate shortest path/distance.


  • Used for
    1. Is there a path between node A & B ?
    2. Whixh is shortest path between node A & B ?

First degree will be searched first. Then second degree will be searched.

# Queues

  • Only 2 operations - Enqueue & Dequeue
  • Queue - FIFO
  • Stack - LIFO

# Implementation of Graph

  • We could use HashTables to Implement graphs.
# In python we could add graph like
# order does not matter since it's hashmaps
graph = {}
graph["A"] = ["A1","A2","A3"] # root node
graph["A1"] = ["AA1","AA2"] # middle nodes
graph["AA1"] = []; # leaf node
  • Directed graph - In A --> B B is A's neighbour not vice versa
  • UnDirected graph - In A -- B both A & B are each other's neighbours.

Both this image are equivalent.

# TODO - Implementing the algorithm

  • We need to create a queue and add each node to it.
  • First add root node, then it's children, then sub-children till we either reach leaf nodes or our search condition is satisfied.
  • No duplicate node - if a node is added/checked in queue then don't add again.
# TODO - add to queue

Big O

Running time - O(vertices + edges)

# Dijkstra's algorithm

  • Use to find Fastest path.
  • Weighted edges in graph can be solved using Dijkstra.
  • In BFS we just find shortest path not fastest path
  • Graph Requirements
    • Directed graph
    • Weighted graph (no negative-weight edges - use Bellman-Ford algorithm instead)
    • No cycles in graph

# Implementation

Also need a proccessedNodes[] to avoid reprocessing nodes.


# Greedy algorithm

  • Don;t always work but are very simple to write and pretty close to perfect solution.

# Dynamic programming

  • Solving hard problems
  • Breaks hard problem into smaller problems and solve them first.

# Knapsack problem

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Last Updated: 4/7/2021, 10:29:29 AM